Frying Oil

Frying Oil

SKU: 7ad13025d872 Category: Tags: , ,


Frying Oil (Vegetable Based)


We offer vegetable-based liquid frying oil. When heated it has a rich buttery aroma. It is suitable for frying, baking and roasting. A few of the advantages are:

  • Liquid oil
  • Contains no water (no spattering)
  • Heat resistant
  • Rich flavour

Our frying oil has a good ratio between the Omega3 and Omega6 fats. It consists out of 100% vegetable oil with a very low level (0,8%) of trans fats and saturated fatty acids. It contains more than 80% in unsaturated fatty acids. It is suitable for a cholesterol-lowering diet and contains no allergens. The new formula lasts up to 20% longer.

Packaging 900 ml PP bottle /
2,5L PE bottle
Carton 12 x 900 ml /
4 x 2,5 L
Pallet 60 cartons (12 x 900ml) /
84 cartons (4 x 2,5L)
Storage Light protected and
not above room temperature