Lactose 100 Mesh

Lactose 100 Mesh

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Lactose 100 Mesh


We offer Lactose 100 Mesh in bulk. Lactose 100 Mesh is a fine lactose powder. The product is manufactured by separating fresh sweet whey. Afterwards, the separated parts are concentrated and crystallized.  The last steps of the process include drying and milling the lactose to an extra fine crystalline free flowing powder.

For more information please see the product specifications below or fill in the contact form for any other questions or inquiries.

Application of the product

Lactose powder is suitable for use in bakery, desserts, infant formulas, jams, preserves, sweeteners, instant milk powders, meat products, soups, sauces, beer production, nutraceuticals and aroma’s. It can be used by pharmaceutical industries as a coating or filler in drugs.

Product specifications

Chemical specifications

  • Proteinaceous matter: < 0,2%
  • Moisture: < 0,5%
  • Lactose: > 99,0%
  • Minerals: < 0,4%
  • pH: 5,0 – 7,5

Physical Specifications

  • Schorched Particles: Disc A/B
  • Insolubility: < 1,0 ml
  • Antibiotics: Absent
  • Colour: White to Yellowish
  • Odour and Taste: Clean Sweet taste

Microbiological Specifications

  • Standard Plate Count: < 1.000 CFU per gr  
  • Yeast & Moulds: < 100 CFU per gr
  • Coliforms: Absent
  • Enterobacteriaceae: Absent
  • Coag. Pos. Staphs: Absent
  • Salmonella: Absent

Packaging Specifications

  • Origin: EU
  • Packaging: 25 kg net weight multi walled kraft paper bag with polyethylene liner.
  • Storage: Cool, dry, clean, fresh environment <25ºC or humidity <65%
  • Shelf Life: 24 months