Norwegian Dried Salted Saithe

Norwegian Dried Salted Saithe

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Norwegian Dried Salted Saithe


We offer dried and salted Saithe in bulk.  Saithe is a North Atlantic fish usually fished off of the coast of Norway. After being fished, the fish is salted for up to 3 weeks and stored in a dry and cool location at around 3 degrees. Salting the fish removes the water which makes sure the flavours and nutrition remain. Dried salted saithe can be kept for up to two years.

Dried salted Saithe is most-commonly sold to Brazil, D.R. of the Congo, R. the Congo, Angola, the Dominican Republic and Jamaica.

Saithe is also well known as: Bacalhau, Bacalao, Makayabu, Morue, Cod or Pollock.

For more information please see the product specifications below or fill in the contact form for any other questions or inquiries.

To request a quote, please fill in the contact form.

Product Specifications

  • Scientific name: Pollachius Virens
  • Origin: Norway
  • Size: 25-40cm
  • Packaging: Carton
  • Net Weight per Carton: 9kg / 25kg
  • 40-ft FCL: 27.000 kg (27 MT)
  • Shipping: Refrigerated (3°C)