Original Dutch Cheese Gouda – Maasdam – Edam

Original Dutch Cheese Gouda – Maasdam – Edam

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Original Dutch Cheese

Gouda cheese 48+

Gouda Cheese is a original Dutch cheese from the town of Gouda. The Gouda cheese is sold in a circular shape with rounded edges. It is produced using cow milk and has a semi-hard consistency. Gouda Cheese contains 48% fat.

  • Packaging: Cardboard box, 4 cheeses per box
  • Net Weight per Box: 18 kg
  • Net Weight per Pallet: 1152 kg (64 boxes)
  • 40ft. FCL: 25.350 kg (25,4 MT) (22 pallets)


Maasdam cheese 45+

Maasdam cheese is a original Dutch cheese sold in the same circular shape with rounded edges as the Gouda cheese. Maasdam cheese is known for being a original Dutch cheese in a Swiss style because of the holes it contains. It is a comparison of the Swiss Emmental, just softer. Maasdam is produced using cow milk and contains 45% fat.

  • Packaging: Cardboard box, 1 cheese per box
  • Net Weight per Box: 12,8 kg
  • Net Weight per Pallet: 770 kg (60 boxes)
  • 40ft. FCL: 17.670 kg (17,7 MT) ( 23 pallets)

Edam cheese 40+

Edam ball cheese is a original Dutch cheese from the town of Edam. Edam ball cheese is sold in a circular shape, unlike Gouda in Maasdam cheese. The cheese is covered in paraffin wax and packed in red cellophane foil. Edam ball Cheese has a semi-hard consistency and is produced using cow milk. Edam ball cheese contains 40% fat. Edam cheese is sold in 3 sizes:

  • Baby Edam ball: 920 gr. 
    • Packaging: Cardboard box, 6 cheeses per box
    • Net Weight per Box: 5,5 kg
    • Net Weight per Pallet: 995 kg (180 boxes)
    • 40ft. FCL: 21.900 kg (22 MT) (22 pallets)
  • Edam ball Belegen 1,43 kg
    • Packaging: Cardboard box, 6 cheeses per box
    • Net weight per Box: 8,6 kg
    • Net Weight per Pallet: 780 kg (91 boxes)
    • 40ft. FCL: 17.160 kg (17,2 MT) (22 pallets)
  • Young Edam ball 1,92 kg
    • Packaging: Cardboard box, 6 cheeses per box
    • Net weight per Box: 11,5 kg
    • Net Weight per Pallet: 1048 kg (91 boxes)
    • 40ft. FCL: 23.056 kg (23,1MT) (22 pallets)


Shipping Temp:  +2 / +4  °C