Raw Cashew Nuts

Raw Cashew Nuts


Buy Raw Cashew Nuts Wholesale Competitive Prices are high in protein and low in carbohydrates. Raw cashews are used for baking, cooking or snacking. Our products are exported to many countries in the world:Our cashews are Widely demanded by the customers due to their freshness, delectable taste and high nutrition, the cashews are processed by extremely advanced mechanized equipment. These are available with high quality packaging facilities. Buy Raw Cashew Nuts Wholesale Competitive Prices.


Grade: White Wholes: W240, W280, W290, W320, W450 W500
Scorched Wholes: SW, SW180, SW210, SW240, SW320, SW450, SW500
S (Splits): LWP(Large white pieces), SWP(Small white pieces)
– Color: White/ Light Ash
– Style: Dried
– Inspection: SGS
– Moisture 7% max
– Foreign matter 1%max
– Broken 5% max
– Nut count: 170 – 220 per kilogram
– Out turn: 47 – 53 lbs
– Defective: 10% maximum
– Without presence of residue from pesticides or insects

Raw and roasted Cashew Nuts

1. grade: w240, w320
– moisture: 5% max
– broken: 5% max
– melasma: 3% max
– mould and fungus: 0%
– admixture: 1% max
– silk sell: 3% max
– dent rate: 3% max
2. grade: ws
– moisture: 5% max
– foreign matter : 1%max
– broken: vertical broken
– live insect and larvas: negative
– coliforms, salmonella: negative
3. grade: lp
– moisture: 5% max
– melasma: 3% max
– admixture: 1% max
live insect and larvas: negative
– coliforms, salmonella: negative

1. Cashew nuts, like all nuts, are an excellent source of protein and fiber.
2. They are rich in mono-unsaturated fat which may help protect the heart.
3. Cashew nuts are also a good source of potassium, B vitamins and folate. They contain useful amounts of magnesium, phosphorous, selenium and copper.